Hello, friend from the future 👋

Peruse my historic accounts of frustrating fixes, setups and guides to save yourself a headache.

Then get a different kind of headache cringing so hard at my AI generated pictures that go with them. 🙅🖼️

Random Guides

Ubuntu - Installing git and github and signing in via terminal

Sept 2, 2024

I have horrible luck, or my old servers motherboard is on the way out and eating drives one by one. Either way, I've been rebuilding it a lot lately until today I just replaced it.

As I rebuild, I'm making guides of what I'm doing so if I have to rebuild again, I don't have to remember what I did!

Maybe it'll help you too.

In terminal, to install github and git:

sudo apt install git gh

Run the following to authenticate to your github

gh auth login

Select Github, https, login with a browser.

The terminal will give you a code and you can login on a completely different computer if need be, ie you don't have gui on the server you're currently doing this on.


Now you can git clone your private repo's or commit to your repos since you're logged in.

Ubuntu - Automount NTFS drive with RW

Aug 28, 2024

This may be niche, but I had to do it today.

I have a NTFS drive filled with files that I wanted mounted in Ubuntu at boot, full RW.

Here's how I did it so I can refer back if I ever have to do it again:

Find the block ID of your NTFS drive, then copy it:

sudo blkid

Next, modify fstab:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add a new line using your block ID from before:

UUID=your-uuid /mnt/ntfs ntfs defaults 0 0

ctrl-o to write changes and leave.

Next, make the mount point folder you just referred to:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ntfs

Then mount the drive:

sudo mount -a

With that line in your fstab, it will remount at reboot.

Ubuntu - Share drive or folder using Samba

Aug 28

sudo apt install samba

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Skip to the bottom and add this section:


path = /path/to/your/share

available = yes

valid users = yourusername

read only = no

browsable = yes

public = no

writable = yes

Ctrl O to write, then Ctrl X to leave

Then, make a smb user:

sudo smbpasswd -a yourusername

Then restart samba:

sudo systemctl restart smbd

sudo systemctl restart nmbd

You can now access your share via \\servnameorIP\sharename

OPNSense config to delete Bell HH 2000 from your setup.

Aug 22, 2024

After much forum trawling and a super late night, I finally got my OPNSense configured so that my Bell ethernet, straight from my fiber converter, can now plug straight into OPNsense WAN instead of first through my HH2000.

Below is a link to my how-to, all in one place, no need to stay up all night and swear at your computer:
